Important Khalifas Of Hazrat Khwaja Rahmatullah (RA) Nayabe Rasool:

Hazrat Syed Murtuza Quadri (Rahmatullah Alaih) - (Adoni, Andhra Pradesh):

Hz Syed Murtuza Quadri - AdoniThough Khwaja Rahmatullah had thousands of followers, there were only a select few who had the luxury of his proximity. Among them also, very few were fortunate enough to have been awarded Khilafat by Khwaja Rahmatullah. Among such persons the very first name happens to be that of Hazrat Syed Murtuza Quadri (RA) who was considered as a Sufi-E-Kamil purely on the basis of his relentless worhip and practice of Zikr-O-Shugl. To be precise, he was the apple of Khwaja Rahmatullah's eyes. Due to continous Zikr and Muraqiba his head was permanenetly tilted to one side of his shouldres.

Hazrat Murtuza Quadri was a native of Adoni (Kurnool Distirct, Andhra Pradesh). Whenever he would visit his Peer-O-Murshid Hazrat Khwaja Rahmatullah Nayabe Rasool the other disciples of Khwaja Nayabe Rasool would make elabotare arrangements for his welcome and escort him to Khwaja Rahmatullah's place who himself would be anxiously waiting to meet his favourite disciple. Hazrat Syed Murtuza Quadri had deep love and respect for his peer under whose guidance he reached great heights in the fields of Tasawwuf and Sulook.

Hazrat Syed Murtuza Quadri expired (Visaal) on the 20th day of the Islanic month of Jamadil Awwal in 1200 Hijri and has been laid to rest in his native town of Adoni.

Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin Khandari (Rahmatullah Alaih) - (Khandar/Aurangabad):

Hz Syed Shah Rafiuddin Khandari - KhandarUndoubtedly the most important among all the Khalifas of Hazrat Khwaja Rahmatullah Nayabe Rasool has to be Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin Khandari (RA) who attained a great position in Silsila-E-Rahmatiya. He was the true Janasheen of Khwaja Rahmatullah.

Though hitorically he is referred to as Ghulam Rifaai, more often than not he was called as Rafiuddin (his laqab/title). His father's name was Shamsuddin Khandar. Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin was born on 19th Jamadis Sani in 1164 Hijri in Khandar (part of then Hyderabad province). Hzarat Shamshuddin had wished for a son at the mosque of Hazrat Maqdoom Haji Syed (RA) (A descendant of Hz Syed Ahmed Kabiir Rifaai (RA)). One day Hazrat Baba Maqdoom appeared in Hazrat Shamshuddin's dream and made the prediction of a male child who would grow up to become a true Islamic great. Thus Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin was born and on the advice of Hazrat Maqdoom was named Ghulam Rifaai.

Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin recieved his early education under the supervision of his father, later under the watchful eye of Maulana Syed Qamaruddin Hussaini he learnt Hdis, Fiqh, Tafseer and other Ulooms. Thereafter he came to the Khankhwa of Hzarat Khwaja Rahmatullah Nayabe Rasool and became his follower. After one year of learning he was awarded Khirkha-E-Khilafat under Quadriya, Nakshbandiya and Rifaaiya traditions by Khwaja Rahmatullah.

Hazrah ShahRafiuddin then went for Hajj and upon his return he opened a khankhwa at Khandar. He expired on the 16th of Rajjab Ul Murajjab in 1241 Hijri and was laid to rest in his own house where Nawab Shamshul Amra later constructed a grand dome(Gumbaz).

Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin Khandari was an able writer with keen interest in poetry. Apart from being a great Islamic scholar he also had mastery over various other subjects and works. His literary works are still safe in the form of letters and books. the famous among them being:

Samratul Makki, Unfaas Aashiqeen, Risala Chishtiya, Sulook Nakshbandiya, Anwar-Ul-Khandar and Tazkira Naubahar.

Hazrat Shah Waliullah (Rahmatullah Alaih) - (Azeemabad/Patna):

It is difficult to define Hazrat Shah Waliullah's greatness in words. His knowledge in the Islamic fileds of Tasawwuf and Sulook were matchless. He spent a major portion of his life in the company of Khwaja Rahmatullah to finetune his Islamic knowledge. Such was his penchant for knowledge on Islamic Ulooms that he spent his entier life in this quest. He was instrumental in spreding Khwaja Rahmatullah's Ilm of Islam to distant places. He originally hailed from Azeemebad, Patna.

Hazrat Syed Shah Abul Hasan Kharbi (Rahmatullah Alaih) - (Bijapur/Nellore):

Among the Khalifas of Khwaja Rahmatullah Nayabe Rasool, the name of Maulana Ruknuddin Mohammed Al Maroof Syed Shah Abul Hasan Kharbi (RA) Qutb-E-Zaman holds special importance. He is considered to be the Ghazi (champion) in the Islamic fields of Sulook and Ma'arifat. He was the native of Bijapur (Karnataka) and was born on 14th Shabaan 1118 Hijri. His father took him along with him and settled in Nellore (Andhra Pradesh) where he recieved his formal education on Islamic subjects. He was one of the most important Disciples of Khwaja Rahmatullah Nayabe Rasool.

The contributions of Hazrat Syed Shah Abul Hasan Kharbi (RA) in spreading the message and teachings of Hazrat Khwaja Rahmatullah are seconded by none. He had great mastery over many Islamic subjects. Apart from Arabic and Farsi he had also mastered other local languages. To spread the knowledge of various Islamic Ulooms Hazrat Abul Hasan Kharbi opened a Khankhwa (Islamic Seminary) at Nellore which came to be known as Hazrat Makan (Jamia Lateefiya Arabiya, Nellore).

Hazrat Abul Hasan Kharbi was a Buzurg of many qualities and was awarded with Baith and Khilafat from Khwaja Rahmatullah Nayabe Rasool. He was a great Islamic scholar who strictly followed the Islamic way of life. His famous literary works include the Bida'at Nama, Chakki Nama, Meraj Nama and Hidayat Nama. He expired on the 20th of Ramzan-Ul-Mubarak 1182 Hijri at the age of 66 and was laid to rest at his Khankhwa Hazrat Makan at Nellore.

Hazrat Mohammed Sarwar (Rahmatullah Alaih) - (Nellore, Andhra Pradesh):

Among the favourite Khalifas of Khwaja Rahmatullah the name of Hazrat Mohammed Sarwar deserves special mention. He was a Buzurg of very high credentials. His contribution to the growth and development of Silsila-E-Rahmatiya are innumerous. He had reached such levels of spiritual enlightenment that whatever he used to say would invariably come true. He would never budge from the instructions and teachings of his peer Hazrat Khwaja Rahmatullah. The visitors at Hazrat Srawar's place included not only Sufiis and the needy but also the rich and the royals would come to him with their heads bowed in respect.

Khwaja Rahmatullah always took special care in teaching Hazrat Sarwar who would eagerly grab everything coming his way through his peer and obediently follow him. Hazrat Mohammed Sarwar expired and has been laid to rest in Nellore.

Hazrat Syed Shah Sibghatullah (Rahmatullah Alaih) - (Nellore, Andhra Pradesh):

Hazrat Syed Sibghatullah is one among the specially taught and trained disciples and Khalifas of Hazrat Khwaja Rahmatullah. Poularly known as Baba Sahab his importance can be understood from the fact that Khwaja Rahmatullah himself would treat him with outmost respect. He was known for his Riyazaats and Tazki-E-Nafs (supression and control over worldly desires). He would mentain minimum contact with outside world and spend most of his time in Zikr and Ibadat. He would seldom talk and always remain silent, mentaining that silence is the best way to keep distance from all evils. He had Khwaja Rahmatullah's special blessings and would always be seen in a state of Rememberance of Allah because of which he was held in very high esteem by the society.

Hazrat Mohammed Qutub (Rahmatullah Alaih):

Hazrat Muhammed Qutub is one among the Khalifas of Khwaja Rahmatullah, who was also very close to Hazrat Mohammed Sarwar. His only indulgence in life was Zikr-E-Haq (Rememberance of Allah) with no connection to the materialistic world. He attained vilayat through the blessings of Khwaja Rahmatullah.

Hazrat Inayatullah (Rahmatullah Alaih):

What is worth mentioning about Hazrat Inayatullah is that he spent his entire life in the service of his Peer Hazrat Khwaja Rahmatullah. There was not a single moment when he would distract himself from his peer's service, something that he was rewarded for with invaluable spiritual blessings from Khwaja Rahmatullah. It is said that he would always remain in a lost state (Wajdani Kaifiyat) but would perform his Salats and attend to his his Peer's service with all attention. With Khwaja Rahmatullah's Blessings he reached great heights in the fields of Ma'arifat and Raah-E-Sulook. He expired on Eid-Ul-Fitr i.e. on the 1st day of

Hazrat Syed Ali Mohammed (Rahmatullah Alaih):

Popularly known as Dastagir, he penned down the book Unfaas Rifaaiya where he had chronicled the life of Khwaja Rahmatullah in detail.

Hazrat Syed Shah Mohammed Nizamuddin (Rahmatullah Alaih):

Among the great personalities who were blessed by Khwaja Rahmatullah during his stay at Kurnool the name of Hazrat Syed Shah Mohammed Nizamuddin (RA) stands out. He had the luxury of being in Khwaja Rahmatullah's company for long hours and witness his day to day activities so much so that he penned down a beautifully compiled collection of events and happenings of Khwaja Rahmatullah's life which got published under the name "Aqidatut Taalibeen" in Khwaja Rahmatullah's lifetime itself (14 years before Khwaja Rahmatullah's Visaal). Hazrat Nizamuddin expired and was laid to rest in Rahmatabad.

Hazrat Syed Abdul Kareem (Rahmatullah Alaih):

Hazrat Syed abdul Kareem is considered as one of the most able and favourite disciples of Hazrat Khwaja Rahmatullah. He was a haji and thus referred to as Haji-Ul-Harmain. He was also counted among the Mashaiks of Haram and Kaabatullah.