Hazrat Syed Faqruddin Shah Wali (Rahmatullah Alaih):
Rahmatabad is the resting place of many a saints. It is widely believed that apart from the grand dome of Hazrat Khwaja Rahmatullah (RA) Nayabe Rasool that proudly adornes the centre of Rahmatabad, there are many Auliya Allah who have been laid to rest in the adjacent graveyard that includes disciples of Khwaja Rahmatullah and those Auliya Allah who graced this pious land before or after Khwaja Rahmatullah decided to make this village his final destination. One such Auliya Allah of great importance is Hazrat Syed Faqruddin Shah Wali (RA). If there is one shrine in Rahmatabad that is as often visited and adored by pilgrims as the shrine of Khwaja Rahmatullah himself then it has to be the Mazar of Baba Faqruddin, who is believed to be one among the few Sufis who blessed this place before Khwaja Rahmatullah's arrival. The importance of this Dargah can be gauged by the fact that a visit to Rahmatabad is considered incomplete (from a pilgrim's point of view) till you visit the Dargah of Baba Faqruddin. You can aptly say that if Khwaja Rahmatullah is the spiritual treasure that one is seeking then Baba Faqruddin is the doorway to it, without passing through which one cannot obtain the real treasure. Though resting in a modest enclosure of four limestone walls his importance as an Islamic great cannot be undermined. e Believed to have expired at an early age of 18 years, the Sandal of Hazrat Syed Faqruddin Shah Wali RA is celeberated on the 18th day of the Islamic month of Jamadis Saani. The Sandal is celeberated with much fanfare and is considered as the most important of sandals in Rahmatabad after the Sandals Of Khwaja Rahmatullah and Ammajan.
Hazrat Mirza Shujat Baig (Rahmatullah Alaih):
Hazrat Mirza Shujat Baig (RA) is believed to be the adopted son of Hazrat Syed Khwaja Rahmatullah (RA) Nayabe Rasool. His shrine is located at the backside (southwards) of Khwaja Rahmatullah's dome. A very interesting tale about Hz Mirza Baig is that when as a child he used to cry out of hunger, Khwaja Rahmatullah would make him suck his thumb which would thus become a source of milk to Hz Mirza Baig and pacify his hunger. Hz Mirza Baig, along with Ammajan is also credited with the construction of the grand dome that stands atop Khwaja Nayabe Rasool's mazar. His yearly sandal is celeberated on the 11th day of the Islamic month of Ramzan.
Hazrat Abubakr Mastan Baba (Rahmatullah Alaih):
Hazrat Abubakr Mastan Baba's Real identity is a mystery though there's no denying the fact that he is an Auliya of special importance. Many people consider him to be of the Mouzub type (those who have immersed themselves so much into Almighty Allah's love that they become disillusioned and disconncted from the rest of the world). To put it simply, Mastan Baba's Zahir(outer being) was quite different from his Batin (inner being). Such was his attachment to Almighty Allah that when in Zikr all his body parts would get seperated from each other as if they were cut apart from the body. The dargah is famous for its spiritual healing prowesses especially to those who are victims of black magic and sorcery. Hazrat Abubakr Mastan Baba's sandal is celeberated on the 21st of Muharram, the only Sandal celeberations in Rahmatabad where the Foqra of the Rifaai Tradition (followers of which strongly believe that nothing can harm you or effect you unless untill the Almighty Allah wishes it so, the Bani or fountain head of this tradition being Hazrat Syed Ahmed Kabir Rahmatullah Alaih who is the descendant of the great Auliya Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Geelani Rahmatullah Alaih) display their Zarb skills.
Hazrat Mirza Mohammed Hussain Baig Urf Ustad Baba (Rahmatullah Alaih):
Ustad Baba came to Rahmatabad more than forty years ago and settled down in Rahmatabad dedicating his entire life to the teachings of Hazrat Syed Khwaja Rahmatullah (RA) Nayabe Rasool. He used to teach Quran to little children and hence the name Ustad Baba. If Khwaja Rahmatullah is called Nayabe Rasool then Ustad Baba can aptly be called as Ata-E-Nayabe Rasool simply because it was through the blesings of Khwaja Rahmatullah that Ustad Baba reached sainthood (The phenomenon being called as Nisbat-E-Owaisi in Urdu). It is widely believed that prayers seldom go unanswered at the mazar of Ustad Baba. Ths Sandal of Ustad Baba is celeberated on 13th of Ramzan every year, in commemoration of which a Mushaira and a Qawwali (Mehfile Sama) are organised.
Hazrat Syed Ashraf Baba (Rahmatullah Alaih):
Believed to be the disciple of Hazrat Syed Khwaja Rahmatullah (RA) Nayabe Rasool, his sandal is celeberated on the 21st of Rajjabul Murajjab.